So this is what our kitchen looks like currently. We're in the middle of renovating the cabinets and countertops (much needed as some of the cabinets were literally falling apart), and the whole house is in disarray because of it. You don't realize how much STUFF is actually stored in your kitchen cabinets until you have to take it all out and find some temporary place for it to live for awhile. We'll be 2 weeks (at least) without a working kitchen since we have to wait until after the cabinets are all installed to get the counters measured and cut. So for now we are washing dishes in the bathtub and eating a lot of take-out. (Yes, there is take-out in Vermont, it's just 15 miles down the road!). We'll post "before" and "after" shots when the kitchen is all done!

After we demolished the kitchen this weekend, we did find time to go for a walk at Red Rocks Park in Burlington. The spring wildflowers are just starting to go crazy here, and Red Rocks is one of the best places to see them. We saw Trout Lily, Meadow-Rue, Spring Beauty, Wood Violet, and Red and White Trilliums. But the most spectacular was the Dutchman Breeches, which was in full bloom and carpeting the ground in some areas. It was a really foggy day, with a fine misty rain coming down...reminded me of Vancouver as we were walking around under all the hemlocks. Lake Champlain had some really cool layers of fog resting on its surface. Oh, and of course, we also saw two new birds for the year: Pine Warbler and Ruby-Crowned Kinglet. Aiden slept through the misty walk bundled up under fleece blankets in his stroller; luckily for us, nature wasn't bothering him that day.