Did you ever notice that no matter how long you make your family vacations, you never have more time to actually relax?! I think we learned that important life lesson over again on our recent whirlwind tour of Long Island & vicinity. It was hectic but fun, and wonderful to see everybody. In what is turning out to be typical for this summer, we had only one day of sunshine out of 8 full days on the island, but we made the best of everything. Highlights included an Isbrantsen/Rising family reunion, an extended stay on Oak Island, visits with both Great Grandmas, a busy day exploring Shelter Island and the north fork w/ Grandma Chris, a birthday BBQ for Andy and Dan, strawberry picking and petting zoos, playdough and playgrounds and pizza with the cousins, meals out with college friends in NJ & LI, and a few stolen moments of birding here and there. Whew, time to breathe again. Here are some photos from our vacation!

Party's over

Old MacDonald and his crazy goats

The beach at Morton Wildlife Refuge