We did make it in to Manhattan, and had a wonderful dinner and evening with the Kulis clan (including Great Grandma Guppy)...but with everyone on their smartphones and ipads all evening relaying the moment-to-moment changes in the forecast for the next morning and subsequent two days... we chickened out/smartened up and headed back out to the island later that night. It was a definite bummer; I felt terrible breaking the news to Aiden that he wouldn't get to see the huge T. rex skeleton after all (maybe summer?) but he took it like a typical four-year-old. Which is to say, he was sad for about 5 minutes and then moved on to the next most exciting thing going on... cool, i get to watch back-to-back Dinosaur Train episodes all the way back to Grandma's house? Awesome!
The blizzard trapped us in the house with blowing 50mph winds, sleet, and snow all of the next day. Luckily we had a giant stash of xmas loot to entertain us. When all the swirling flakes settled, there was well over a foot of heavy wet snow to shovel (thanks Andy) before we could venture out onto semi-trecherous roads to continue our holiday visiting. We spent a nice lunch play-date with William and Elizabeth at the Hamm's house, popped in on the Great Grandma Rising and the Siegers to meet little (big!) Peter, and then headed back over to Grandpa Dada's for one more dinner. It was our usual whirlwind tour, only shorter and with higher winds! Merry Christmas to everyone :) Photos of our adventures below...

Dan & Paulette's living room on xmas eve
Paulette feeing Little Doo
Andy got this giant At-At for xmas from his mom... yes, that's right, I said ANDY...not Aiden! He's been waiting 24 years for it!
Santa came! Xmas morning in Patchogue
Haley entertaining Great Grandma Guppy at Kenny & Zanne's in manhattan. Haley and her Great Grandma smiled and cooed at each other for hours :)
Christmas elf asleep in the big city
Michelle, Ian, Douglas & Kenny
That elf again...

After returning from Manhattan...waiting for the snowstorm to begin (T minus 1 hour at this point)