We love when Grandpa Da-da comes to visit. Aiden, of course, loves spending time with each of his grandparents, since they read extra books and give extra hugs and listen extra hard to his complicated explanations about what is most important right NOW! Andy and I love Grandpa Da-da's visits because house projects that have sat dormant for months suddenly and miraculously get completed. This time Andy, Dan and Aiden worked on installing a handrail for our basement stairs, building some storage shelves in the garage, and putting in a new mailbox to replace the one with the busted door and rusted-out flag. Aiden is now an expert measuring tape holder and scew dispenser. And he got to bang on the walls (something we normally discourage) trying to locate studs. What could be better? 
We also had time for a little Valentine's weekend fun, including sledding, ice skating lessons, breakfast at Ellie's and a snowmobile race event on Lake Sunapee. This last one was too loud for Aiden's taste, but it was interesting to see the snowmachines shooting off across the ice at 120 mph. No thanks for me, either. I like being in one piece.

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