We're in the zombie stage right now... locked into life according to Haley's rhythm of eat, sleep, poop... eat, sleep, poop... eat, sleep, poop... We try to do the same, without quite so many poops. Aiden is being a wonderful big brother. He's very helpful but also realizes that he needs to be careful around his newborn sister. I'm sure it's not easy living with severly sleep-deprived parents but he's making the best of it.

Haley's had her first outings already at one week old... we went to the Friday "concert on the green" in town yesterday because it was such a gorgeous night to be out, and she did fine... slept through the entire thing while Aiden and his friends played baseball and soccer and we talked with other parents while enjoying the music. And today we spent a good part of the day at Quechee Gorge... went on a short but steep hike down the gorge trail to the river, had a picnic lunch and ice cream, and rode the train at the VT Toy Museum with Aiden. Haley also slept through most of that. Quechee was crawling with tourists (ourselves included, I suppose) so it was interesting finding a discreet place to nurse Haley! But we managed and had a great day. Tomorrow, more adventures... as Aiden would say.