On Sunday we had the wonderful distraction of having friends come to visit. Jason and Julie (from Vermont Law) and their two boys Colin and Bryce drove up from CT to spend the day with us. We gave it the old law school try to get out and play in the snow but it was seriously misguided. Absolutely miserably cold with a bone-chilling wind. Bryce was the only smart one- he screamed from the minute he got out of the car to the time he got back into the car...which was only about 5 minutes, but it took the rest of us that long to realize what Bryce did immediately: THIS SUCKS! I guess the "closed" sign stuck in the sled hill should have clued us into the fact that it was sheer ice with exposed rocks... no thanks even if it was balmy out. Which it was not. So we decided to get cozy on the couch in the basement and watch a movie together instead... much better plan.

Colin and Aiden... the sledding was wishful thinking
And the third weekend day? Well, it was only 10 degrees in the morning, still with a howling wind, so we headed to Montshire Museum to meet a few of Aiden's buddies and soak in some science. Everyone else under the sun had the same idea, so it was a madhouse in there, but still so much better than going crazy at home. The kids explored space, sound waves, weather (specifically fog), bubbles, leaf-cutter ants, and many other cool subjects. Even Haley got to try a few experiments. In the afternoon it was finally "nice" enough out to do something outside, so we headed to Mt. Sunapee to let Aiden have a few runs on the bunny hills. He's getting better every time he goes skiing, and is turning and stopping like a champ now. Thanks to the frigid temps and lack of new snow, the conditions were pretty icy this time and the skiing was fast and furious. But he did really well still, and definitely earned his hot chocolate and cookie in the lodge after completing about 20 runs.