Okay, so the snow is back and the cold too... I guess all I had to do was complain a little on here and voila! all back to normal for mid-January. We had a nice visit from Micah, Becky, Phoebe and Fisher this weekend, almost thwarted twice due to vomiting (Haley) and fever (Phoebe), but when both girls were feeling fine late Saturday morning they decided to make the trip up. Fisher is growing like crazy and has the eat-sleep-poop routine down like he's been doing it all his life ;) He slept pretty much the entire time he was at our house, save for the twenty minutes that we dragged him outside in 15 degree weather to watch the older kids sled. Aiden could have stayed out for hours, but Fisher and even Haley and Phoebe were definitely over the novelty of frozen snot and mittens that wouldn't stay on right after 20 minutes. We headed inside to get hot drinks and play Wii Fishing for exercise instead.

Haley and Phoebe are starting to really enjoy each other now- they ran around chasing each other through the house, squealing and doing little waggle-tap dances together - it was beyond cute. Aiden is more fascinated by Fisher than by Pheebs and his sister playing together. He stole every chance he could get to scrutinize Fisher way up close...hey, he opened an eye! Hey, he stuck out his tongue! I guess he has already blocked Haley's infanthood from his memory, only 1.5 years ago (which is OK, i think Andy and I have also- Haley was not an easy baby!) He's also proud to have a boy cousin with all these crazy girls running around.

I took Kimball XC skiing for the first time this weekend, too. That was a challenge. Kimball is not a brave dog, so I expected her to be timid about the skis for awhile, but she was downright paranoid. I still don't know if it's the noise of the skis on snow that scares her, or the ski poles, or what, but she wanted to stay 100 feet behind me or 100 yards ahead of me at all times. It was like pulling teeth to get her to come to me too, even when totally stopped. In the photo below I had finally coaxed her within a few feet of me, only to have someone come past me going the other direction (on skis) which completely blew her mind. Finally I passed a friend who suggested I try keeping her on a leash to make her get used to it. I kind of knew this might be a dumb idea, but I had a leash so I said what the heck... what happened next was a cross between a Nantucket sleigh ride and a demolition derby. She pulled me, forward at first, and fast, and then started darting left and right all over the place until I had completely wiped and was being dragged by my fat mitten (caught on the leash so I couldn't let go) over the snow. I tried different variations after that, so I could let go of her when she went whacko, but ended up spread-eagle at least two more times before making it back to the car. Don't think I'll be taking Kimball out skiing again soon.