Since Haley's birthday, it's been pretty quiet around here. It's icky sticky mid-summer hot outside, and most of our friends are on their summer vacations. Grandma Chris and Grandpa Dada have wisely postponed their annual summer visits in anticipation of the arrival of Dan & Paulette's triplets (maybe tomorrow!), so it's been just the four of us most of the time. Which has been nice, actually... I think we've really enjoyed our family down-time. We've done lots of watching the Olympics (Aiden is obsessed with "lift-weighting" and fencing and diving, and we've been relaxing the "rules" to allow him to stay up past 9 almost every night to get in an hour of prime-time viewing). And this past weekend we went on a spectacular hike to Lake Solitude, a high-elevation lake near the top of Mount Sunapee. Aiden did so well- no complaints at all on the 3 mile round-trip hike, although he did talk absolutely incessantly the entire time (Dad, can I tell you something?....Mom, guess what?!....Hey, what if I could zoom up the mountain with a rocket pack and get up here in like one second and sit on the top of a tree and then splash down into the lake and then....). Haley tried hiking for oh, about 10 feet, and then "Up, mom. Peese." All for the best, since we were able to move along at a good pace with her in the ergo carrier.

Lake Solitude, from White Ledges |
We ate lunch at White Ledges, where you can look down on the lake below, and Andy was able to catch a Variable Darner. Aiden bravely released it himself, after his traumatizing Slaty Skimmer bite on the Windy Hill dragonfly field trip! After lunch we decided to climb down to the lake to see if there were any other dragonflies down there. It was absolutely gorgeous on the lake shore, and there were more dragons (mostly more Variables) and lots of MUD for the kids to get covered in. Aiden was such a trooper all the way back, and we celebrated later with an ice cream at Arctic Dreams.
Such a cool place |
Lake Sunapee from Mt. Sunapee |
This weekend was also Hospital Days in New London. This is the first year we've really been around for all of it, since we used to go to Gloucester that weekend when the triathalon was running. Oh, and last year Haley was actually IN the hospital with salmonella poisoning during Hospital Days. No fun. But this year we got to visit the exhibits on the green and see the parade pass through town. Lots of noisy fire trucks, antique cars, and people throwing candy. Aiden scored a whole bagful. On the whole though, I think Hospital Days was a lot more fun when they just had a real carnival on the green with scary carny rides and Def Lepard mirrors, cotton candy and sno cones. But I guess that's just me.