Friday, July 13, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away...

Grandma Chris came to visit for a full week, and despite the miserable weather, we all had a great time. Especially Aiden, who got to stay home from daycare and get lots of love and attention. (he is very fond of ATTENTION!! and requires an audience in order to perform certain tricks like clapping and jumping psychotically in his jumparoo)

After a whole month of almost no rain, it decided to pour every day that Grandma Chris was here! Granted, we did need the rain, but it put a damper on outdoor activities and made it interesting to try and pop Aiden into the kiddie pool between thunderstorms.

On the dock at the Lake House

We did get to the lake house for dinner with the Turners one night, and up Mt. Mansfield (which was in the clouds, as usual) and to a Vermont Lake Monsters game, so we didn't sit inside all week. Aiden had a great week and really warmed up to Grandma by the end of the week, with big smiles every time he saw her (more than for mommy & daddy, that's for sure...). He'll miss his Grandma but we keep telling him that she'll be back soon!

Bunchberry on Mt. Mansfield

Part-way up Mt. Mansfield

Lunch at the Shed in Stowe

You better not have designs on my pickle. MY pickle.

Aiden's newest thing is to carry all his toys in his mouth like Timber does

At the Lake Monsters Game

Champ, the Lake Monster

Aiden as Champ

We're off to Iceland tomorrow for Aiden's first international adventure. And I'm sure it will be an adventure! Look for new blog entries in a few weeks!

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