Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fall Fun & Alfalfa

So hopefully you didn't give up on us the past month or so, assuming that we had been vaporized into cyberspace somewhere.... we haven't had internet access at home for over 3 weeks (stupid Green Mountain un-Access-able), so I have a lot of blogging to catch up on. I apologize for those of you who can't sleep or eat without catching up on the insanely exciting life of two birdwatchers and their baby! Really there hasn't been anything too earth-shattering happening at our house lately... we have been enjoying the cool fall weather and taking advantage of some local hiking on weekends though.

Umm.. da-doo... If you could peel yourself away from that warbler you'd realize we're about to be run over by some mountain bikers...

Aiden hamming it up on Mount Philo

On top of Mt. Philo

Mail Delivery!

One day Aiden came home from daycare with this lovely look- the girls at daycare thought it was adorable, but Andy was not too impressed. I think he was fighting the urge to put Aiden in his little Giants jersey and attempt to undo the damage with some manly-man father-son sporting activity. Though he did drive him all the way home from daycare with the tie in his hair so he could show me what had happened to his son. I thought he made a cute Alfalfa...

How many buttercup squashes can one family eat Grandma?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First he comes home with a bite. Now he comes home with a "do". What's next nail polish and a sundress....................STOOOOOOOPID Vermont.