Sunday, June 8, 2008

A few updates...

Hello! Sorry that posts have been sparse lately...we are really in between two worlds (NH and VT) and we hardly know what stuff is where, including the camera, computer, etc., etc. We found a house to buy in New London, NH and hope to close on it as soon as possible. It's not large or terribly exciting, but it has a big yard and is right in the village of New London. Andy's commute to work will be a 1 minute walk, and Aiden's to daycare will be even shorter (across the street!). It will be a different world from our rural forest hideaway in Vermont, but hopefully the benefits (walking to the library, playground, restaurants, shops, etc.) will outweigh the drawbacks. We're apprehensive, but hopeful, I guess is the best way to put it.

Although I wasn't planning on jumping back into work right away, an interesting opportunity came up at a state-wide land protection organization, the Forest Society, and I decided to apply. A couple of weeks later I was offered the position, so there goes my lazy summer with Aiden! They would have liked me to start right away, but agreed to let me have a month and a half to get settled and get Aiden adjusted to life in a new place. So I start mid-July- I will be developing a program to train and assist land stewards in maintaining and managing the Forest Society's 150 or so preserves throughout NH.
So, it appears all the pieces are falling together for us. We know we should be grateful, because relocating can easily go much much less smoothly, but it's still difficult to handle all the changes and take a leap of faith that we will like this area as much as the one we're leaving . Stay tuned...
Aiden is getting much more comfortable around trucks and tractors!
And he loves his crazy sprinkler on hot days (thanks Grandma Chris & Uncle Kenny)
Andy catching the "big ones" out of my parents' pond

Ok, so Micah's trick of holding the fish way out in front of you so that it looks bigger.... doesn't really work for panfish

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Change is almost always difficult, but things seem to be fitting into place for the three of you. Not needing a car to go to town is a blessing, believe it or not. I can't wait to get up there and go for walks with Aiden to a park or the library. Hang in there.
Grandma Chris