Sunday, August 3, 2008

Boston with Brothers

Historic Fenway Park... so great even Yankee fans love it!

This weekend Andy and I (and the little boompa) went down to Boston to meet up with our brothers. My brother Micah (& Becky) live in Gloucester, but Andy's brother Dan (& Paulette) drove up from Long Island for the weekend. Micah, Andy, Aiden and I met Dan and Paulette and their friends Crista and Andy (is this getting confusing yet?) and their 3-year old daughter Sofia at the New England Aquarium on Saturday morning. I'm so glad we went really early! When we got there at 9:30 it was easy for Aiden to hop up to all the tanks to see the fishes, but by 11 am it was mobbed! The line for admission stretched several blocks from the building....time to make a get-away!

Jellies were the special exhibit for the summer

After the aquarium we strolled though Fanueil Hall and Haymarket to the North End to eat lunch at an italian restaurant. It was delicious, and we decided to top it off with some italian pasties from one of the many pastry shops... Both Aiden and Sofia wanted good old (though hardly italian) m&m cookies, about the sizes of their heads. After a brief moment of silent awe, Aiden made short work of his cookie. Actually, when Andy handed him his cookie, we recieved the first-ever unsolicited "thank-you!" from our little man.

Fanueil Hall

This part of Boston looks so much nicer now that all the construction is done!

Sofia dancing

Outdoor market

That evening Dan (yes, Dan) took Andy to a Sox game at Fenway Park. The weather was threatening thunderstorms but it held off until the Sox beat the A's 12-2. They got to watch the new guy, Jason Bay, hit a 3-run homer... who needs Manny anyway? Andy said Dan behaved himself the whole game (they were sitting next to some 80 year old men and a guy with his six year old son), didn't wear anything that might have gotten them both killed, and even raised his hands a little when the wave went by (purely research, of course).

The next morning we decided to go to Plum Island (Parker River NWR) for a little birding and beaching. We left Micah and Becky's after breakfast and wished them luck on their tuna fishing excursion that afternoon. Aiden had lots of fun running in the surf and a bit less fun identifying the thousands of shorebirds out on the mudflats. That's ok, we were grumpy with the birding too b/c we forgot the scope! Next time...

Micah and Aiden trying out a present from Uncle Dan & Aunt Paulette. Even the softest setting is earsplitting! THanks guys!!

Cedar Waxwing on Plum Island

This gull was coveting Aiden's orange slices

Purple Martins

Parker River NWR (Plum Island)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will admit that it is a cool stadium but it is just the team that plays there stinks. Anyway, I survived and I didnt melt so thats good. Now he will have to come to the evil empire residence to make it even.

p.s. Aiden, that was only the beginning of the tickle tourture awaiting you on your birthday weekend.