Monday, February 16, 2009

Long Weekend, Not Long Enough

It's about this time every year that I have had it with winter. We got another dump of 8 inches last night and it's depressing to see the mountainous yellow-gray snowbanks towering on the sides of the streets, some of them are several times as tall as I am. There are so many days to go before they will be completely gone. I am happy that it's actually light out until 5:30 pm though, and soon Valentine's Day will turn into St. Patty's Day which will turn into Easter...

Last week was a pretty stressful one for us, since I narrowly escaped a round of layoffs at work prompted by the failing economy, and we were trying not to dwell on all the repercussions if I were to lose my job. Somewhat miraculously, my position was not cut, but it's hard to be too happy about that when several of your immediate co-workers with young families have not been as lucky. The office atmosphere is a bit depressing at the moment.

The long weekend gave me a chance to escape all that for 3 days, and we made the best of it. We went out for a nice Valentine's Day/President's Day brunch over the long weekend, and made a quick afternoon trip to the seacoast to throw rocks in the water and look for waterbirds. Aiden picked up hundreds of empty periwinkle shells, but didn't want to take any back to New London, and threw them all back to their "home" in the ocean. We had to really work to convince him that going for a swim was not a smart idea in February.

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