Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

It’s Mother’s Day weekend, and we were definitely due for a weekend at home with “nothing” to do. Nothing, by the way, consists of washing and hanging to dry 17 loads of laundry, cleaning the entire house, going to the dump, mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, gardening, and attempting to get some exercise. As well as some fun stuff, like hiking, going out for a Mother’s Day lunch, walking to the library, and spending way too much money at the local plant nursery/farm stand.

Aiden with his hiking gear.

Low Plain, our closest destination for an interesting hike.

It was a full weekend for Aiden, who took a major beating to his noggin when he face-planted into the coat rack during “dance-party” on Friday night. For the uninitiated, “dance-party” is the half-hour between dinner and bathtime when we blast raucous Irish tunes like Great Big Sea (Aiden’s favorite) on the stereo and the three of us jump around like maniacs in a padded room. Did I mention that our living room has a huge bay window looking right out onto the street? I know the neighbors and local dog-walkers are frightened. But Aiden loves it. He always wants “Whack-Song” first, which is a cheerful tune about clubbing seals on the ice off Newfoundland. So anyway, during Whack-Song he tripped on the edge of a rug and smacked his forehead on the foot of the coat rack, leaving a long raised purple welt. One frozen-peas compress and one bandaid later, and he was ready for bed.

Note the band-aid on Aiden's head...

Other activities this weekend included masterpieces created in crayola non-toxic paint, and picking dandelions (this is a never-ending pursuit at our house). Andy finally broke down and hauled out the mower to chop them all off at the base. As he has astutely noticed, however, the dandies evolve over the course of the season so that by August they’re making flowers just low enough to escape the mower blade. It’s fun to whack them all off in May though!

Andy's own private hell

When can i drive?

Not til you are at least 3...


Anonymous said...

I know how raucous "dance party" can be but it's so much fun! I can't wait until you come to LI and we have "dance party" on the
21st at Dan and Paulette's. Talk about raucous.
Grandma Chris

Carrie said...

Ha ha. D & P have Great Big Sea albums, but we'll bring 'Whack Song' just in case!

Bek said...

Amen to a weekend at home with "nothing" to do. It sounds very familiar, especially the 17 loads of laundry. When do we get those extra days to actually relax? :-) Happy Mother's Day!!! I hope you got some nice plants!