Sunday, November 15, 2009


I can't believe November is half gone already! It's dark at 5 and the leaves are gone and I guess we're hunkering down for a long cold NH winter. That's not really a legitimate excuse for why I haven't posted anything in awhile, but it sounds good. In truth, I'm always a little depressed to kiss the warm weather goodbye at this time of year, but all three of us are ready to kick off the holiday season with a whole week on Long Island starting next Friday. Ready to spend some time with family and take a much needed break from work and our daily routine.

Aiden is thriving at his new school- he loves all the activities and has made a whole new suite of friends. Every time I pick him up at the end of the day, I have to hunt down his little troupe of friends - they're almost never in their classroom at that hour - sometimes they are in the gym playing with balls and scooters, or in the dance studio doing the toddler-boogie, or climbing at the rock wall, running on the soccer fields, or exploding into leaf piles on the college green. Once they were at the rock maze right across from our house, which was convenient for Andy, who just had to open the door and call Aiden home.

Aiden's taking swim lessons on Saturdays at the Colby-Sawyer pool.d He is VERY enthusiastic!

And we finally finished off the clubhouse part of Aiden's playgym in the back yard- hopefully years of imaginitive play are in store there.

View from the property we monitor for the Green Mountain Club on the side of Camel's Hump.


Chris and Preston said...

Apple Turkeys....Yeah!!

80 miles from Key West said...

Hey, that apple turkey has no eyes! Have fun on LI!!

Erin said...

The infamous apple turkey... it just isn't Thanksgiving without them!