Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

You might think that being on bedrest I'd be blogging up a storm these days. But the reality is there's not much to write about. At least not in terms of our daily life happenings... That and it's difficult to take decent photographs from one or two prone positions in the house. Andy's far to busy to stand in for me as family photographer (and even in the best of times, when we have nothing important to do on vacation, he's really more interested in photographing birds than humans).

Aiden eats breakfast with me in bed every morning (except when he wants cereal!)

Which explains why although we had an eventful Mothers' Day weekend, we did not capture a single moment on film. My parents, brother, and sister-in-law were all here for the weekend, along with 2 dogs and 3 chickens. Add to that the 3 of us and 2 parrots, and it was quite a zoo. A productive zoo though... we got down all the boxes of baby gear from the garage attic and Mom and Becky went through them (with my direction from the reclining chair), sorting everything into piles of use now, re-store, and goodwill. Meanwhile, the guys rearranged our two guest bedrooms into a single guest room and a nursery. The nursery is not polished or even very pretty, but it's functional!

Then they tackled the garden. I find it amazing that we are even attempting a garden this year, but it's now newly composted and the early veggies are in the ground. Little lettuces, pak choy and peas are already sprouting and looking delicious, from what I can see from the window. The Mother's Day work crew set up an automated misting irrigation system for all our raised beds, because they realize that the only hope we'll have of harvesting edible vegetables from thse beds come late summer is if the thing is completely on auto-pilot. It won't weed itself or pick beetles and slugs from the plants, but we'll hope for the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The room looks great. I'll bet you can't wait until your precious little girl makes it her own.
Grandma Chris