Monday, December 26, 2011

Fisher John

Fisher John Dean made his arrival on December 22nd.  A new cousin for Aiden and Haley, and a beautiful Christmas present for Micah, Becky and big sister Phoebe.  So far he's got my dad's hair, Micah's eyes and brows, and Becky's mouth.  But put together, he's a little guy all of his own.  Fisher seemed remarkably peaceful and quiet for someone who had only a few hours early been dragged from his warm watery environment into the cold air, kicking and screaming.  He slept for the duration of our visit, and only scrunched a nose once or twice as he was passed from Grandma to Grandpa to Aiden to me.  When it was my turn to hold Fisher, little Haley-doo took it as a personal affront and howled "no no no no no no no.." while trying to scale my pant leg.  After that performance Andy didn't dare try his luck with Fisher since our little "daddy's girl" is even more attached to him.  Hopefully Phoebe will be more accepting!

We're so happy to welcome little Fisher into the family!   Even if he doesn't end up liking fish. ;)

1 comment:

Lslie & David said...

Many congratulations!!!

Please give Micah and Becky our love and tell them we wish them all much happiness.

Great name, too! :)