Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Big Week

We've had quite the week here.  Grandma Chris came to visit, so the kids were already in heaven.  And then, Aiden lost his first tooth!  He's been obsessing about this ever since his last dentist visit four months ago when the hygenist noted that one of his bottom teeth was "already loose."  This was news to Aiden, and to be honest it wasn't even really loose...on the xray, she could just see the new tooth starting to come in below it so she knew it would be loose soon.  Every few days Aiden would stick his finger in his mouth and push all of his teeth one by one and say..."Mom, which one's my loose tooth?!"  So FINALLY it did get loose...four months later.  He bit into an apple on a school field trip and thought, "Hmmm....what's that white bug sticking out of my apple?  OH!  IT'S MY TOOTH!"  Or at least that's how he tells it.  Luckily Grandma Chris was here as an extra witness and to give suitable fanfare to the momentous occasion.  The tooth fairy also arrived, right on schedule, bearing a comic book with a dollar bill stuck in it.

The kids had a great fun spending time with their Grandma.  Haley did lots of coloring , sculpted with play-dough, and read many books over and over and over again with "Mema Chris."  Aiden and Grandma played legos, baked chocolate chip cookies, and drew robots together.  There was only one day that was really warm enough to play outside, and Aiden practiced his baseball skills while Haley played in her "new" car.  We also did some geocaching at Low Plain and Andy and I (thanks to Grandma Chris) were able to sneak away for an afternoon and see a concert with some friends.  Like I said, it was a big week!

Diva Dog
Barenaked Ladies @ Mt Sunapee

Aiden practicing up for t-ball
Thanks for my new car Andersons!

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