Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cinco de Mayo means "Return of the Blackflies" in NH

Forget Mexico's independence, on the 5th of May we usher in blackfly season here in NH.  The nasty little buggers get so thick by the middle of the month that sometimes you can barely run to your car without inhaling five or six and getting at least one painfully wedged somewhere between your eyelid and your eyeball.  Not to mention their bite, which leaves a red welt the size of a nickel and itches like crazy for days.  So of course, we spent most of the weekend outdoors.  Fiesta time!  T-ball season coincides neatly with black fly season, so that was our first adventure of the weekend.  Then we had a Cinco de Mayo party, graduation party and pizza party in relatively rapid succession.  It was a busy weekend flying from one house to another but somehow it felt good to be tired, a little sunburned, and a little itchy by the end of Sunday.  Definitely better than staying indoors to avoid the blackflies.

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