Thursday, September 20, 2012

Run, Run Racers!

 Aiden has run four or five 1 mile races in the past, starting when he was about 3 years old.  Usually these are "fun runs" before a longer race that either Andy or I am running.  Now that he's 6, Aiden wanted to try a "real" race- 5K, or 3.2 miles.  The plan was to do the "Strut in Sutton 5K" that goes around Kezar Lake... it's a running loop that Andy and I run often because it's beautiful and there is almost no traffic.  I was going to push Haley in the stroller and jog alongside Aiden (who we figured would be walking quite a bit) and Andy would run at his normal pace and take Kimball on a leash.

Well the plan didn't exactly work out as planned.  I could not keep up with that little man, especially while pushing the stroller!  He bolted out of the gates at a dead sprint for a full mile and I had to shout to Andy..."YOU get him!"  Finally he did wear down to a jog, and I did catch up to them around the finish line in time to cheer Aiden over it as the youngest finisher at that time.  His first 5K came in at 37 minutes, not too shabby... and he won a prize for his age division, which was definitely thrilling for the little man.  We've booked another race (easy peasy 2 miles) next weekend in Vermont!

Aiden eating lunch and wearing his "prize" hat that he won at the 5K.  Haley knows how to race in style!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aiden, you are amazing. And you look good in the hat, too.
Grandma Chris