Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Indoor Thrill Seeking

We found high adventure last weekend- Andy and Aiden did, that is- at a place near Nashua that offers indoor skydiving. Basically, it's a giant clear tube, many stories high, from the bottom of which air is blown at high speeds...upwards of 200 mph. When you get in the chamber, the wind lifts you off the ground and you're flying. Now, I did not even step foot in the chamber (someone needed to stay with Haley) but from what I could see from the outside, I think it's harder than it looks! Some of the group Aiden and Andy were with had trouble just staying horizontal, flying in one place, never mind doing all the flips and spins and dives that the instructors were doing. Still, it looks fun, and the guys verified that yes, indeed, it is fun! They only flew for a few minutes each, but the last few times they got to zoom and spin way up and way down in the tube, holding on to the flight instructor. And, they're building a continuous wave surfing tank to open this summer, so you can bet we'll be back!

The skydiving was about as much excitement as we could stand, so after the boys were done we headed somewhere relaxing and zen- a butterfly greenhouse just over the NH border in Mass. At least it was supposed to be zen...have you ever tried to take a photograph of a blue morpho butterfly?! They're huge, with beautiful iridescent blue wings on the upper side, and they flap and flit around erratically daring you to get a photo. But when they finally land, they close those beautiful wings showing you only their mottled brown and moth-like underwings. Maddening! Aiden took several hundred shots on Andy's iPhone in attempt to get a shot, with no luck. I stuck to more cooperative subjects. It was an educational stop, in any event, and we watched new butterflies emerge in their chrysalis nursery and watched our steps for the tame little button quail scurrying all over the greenhouse floor. Until the weather finally matches the season, we'll be glad to find these interesting indoor pursuits!

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