Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Parishville & Back Again

We headed back to Parishville last weekend for some fall fun and to close up the house for the winter.  On Saturday morning, we went for a hike along the St. Regis River.  It was a beautiful morning on the river, with gorgeous fall colors reflecting in the water and lying underfoot on the trail.  Haley hikes "like molasses" as my mom put it- she's not always complaining (at least until she gets "tired") but she just likes to move slowly, talk incessantly, and examine every detail of everything she passes by.  So it can take awhile to get anywhere.  Once we reached the river, the pace was fine, as everyone wanted to explore.  The dogs were lapping and wading, the kids poked at frothy foam on the water, and Andy took beautiful photos of the scenery.  We also hunted out a geocache to log and trade a few trinkets.  Back at the farm, we made mountain pies for lunch- first cheese and hot dog ones (savory) and then raspberry pie filling (sweet).

Sunday promised to be dreary in P-ville, weather wise, and the closing chores were not as onerous as we had imagined, so we made a group decision to close up the house on Sunday morning and head back to Vermont where the weather was better and our time could be spent more productively.  So, we split wood on Sunday afternoon and stacked it in the sugarhouse, and vacuum mulched leaves and picked crab apples on Monday.  There was also quite a bit of leaf pile jumping going on. Even Kimball joined in.  And Aiden learned to drive the 4 wheeler all by himself, bringing loads of mulched leaves back and forth to the garden.  We'll be back in a month to help my mom with some winterizing chores in Vermont- I'm guessing Aiden will be ready for another ATV "lesson" by then :)

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