Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Apple Turkey Time Again

It's a little early for Thanksgiving table dressings, but I went to Haley's class at Windy Hill School to make apple turkeys this week nonetheless.  The kids were up for an edible art project, and Haley was happy to have her mom come in to share something with the class for a little while.  I guess I did a bad job of talking up the ingredients list (I did mentioned that cranberries were pucker-sour) because most of the kids only wanted to create their turkeys using mini marshmallows.  I think they were secretly (or not so secretly) planning to eat their turkeys as soon as they get them home tonight!  Even so, the turkeys always come out pretty amusing looking, and these were no exception.  We'll do it all over again at home for our turkey day table, but it was fun to share this with Windy Hill one more time.  Next year, both kids will be at the elementary school, and it may be uncool to have mom come in for a craft project.  I already threatened Aiden this year and got a wide-eyed stare... "I'll be happy to make them at home though, Mom!"

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