Nothin' Much
I wish i had some exciting news to post but there really hasn't been much going on here besides work and baby-care. It did snow another two feet last weekend, and was exactly minus fifteen degrees on the first day of spring, setting a record for the coldest start to the season in Vermont history. Not exactly cheery news, but.... we're optimistic that everything will thaw out soon. Today is warm and drippy, mud season is just around the corner!!!
Did you ever notice how once people have kids all you ever get is pictures of their kids? That is because they have no other lives to speak of. 
Aiden is battling Ear Infection Numero 3, which means force-feeding antibiotics, which means digestive turmoil, which means several poopy-blow-outs a day, which means endless laundry, which means... well, you get the picture. He's so cute though. 
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