So now that Aiden is completely mobile and your basic terror-on-all-fours, we realized we needed to give him a bigger space to play than the 4 square feet in our living room between the TV cabinet and the coffee table. We tried that for about a week and got tired of shouting "No!, that's not to play with" and dashing in with a save just before Aiden would crash to the ground after pulling himself up on the coffee table. So we made our slate-floored room (which we really haven't had a true use for yet) into a playroom for Aiden. It's quasi-baby-proof at this point but its a work in progress. Aiden seems to like it, and we're rescuing him a lot less.

Yay! A room for me!

Would YOU like to play?
We also dug a small pond in our backyard this weekend, which I am sure will make the blog soon but at this point it's not camera-ready. I'll just say that digging a pond is a lot of work, and I will probably be in bed by 9 PM tonight due to the effort expended in creating what will probably look like a small puddle to most of you! Stay tuned...

Shockingly pink peonies

Trumpet Creeper- the hummingbirds love it!
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