The Floi Nature Reserve

The next day we headed out to the Reykjanes peninsula, which the one that sticks out south of Reykjavik. At Krysuvikuberg there is one of the largest bird cliffs in the world, with breeding puffins, fulmar, kittiwake, murres and razorbills. It was about 5K down one of the worst roads in Iceland to get there, but well worth it for us.

Krysuvikurberg Bird Cliffs

Aiden at Krysuvikurberg Cliffs- he likes to hang out the side of the carrier so he can see better, but it doesn't make for a comfortable hiking experience for Mom.
Further out on the Reykjanes peninsula is Rejkjanes lighthouse, so we stopped there for a bit enjoy the sunshine and let Aiden eat some lavarocks.

One of Aiden's favorite spots in Iceland: the long hallway of the Hotel Ork.
Finally we spent our last day in Reykjavik. Reykjavik is well known for it's alternative music scene and wild weekend nightlife. We go there on a Sunday morning and it was a ghost town, except for a few remaining inebriated people still making their way home from the bars. The street sweeping crews were out in full force, and where they had not yet reached you could see evidence of the previous night's insanity. There were broken bottles, cups, and vomit all over the streets, and even some broken shop windows. Must be an exciting place on a saturday night. Where they had cleaned up the streets, Rekjavik was a pretty nice little city!
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