These last few weeks have been pretty low-key for us. We haven't had any visitors on weekends, and we haven't had to travel either, so it's been nice just to chill out around Huntington after what seemed like a few months of non-stop activity. The weather has gone from hot & muggy to crisp and fall-like in those few weeks, so we've done a bit of everything. Aiden has especially liked going down to the Huntington River- when it's hot, he loves to go splashing in the shallow water. Even when its not hot, he still loves to go splashing in the water. Mommy and Daddy, not so much.

Aiden did get a new disease from daycare about a week ago- Coxsackie Virus. He was fussy with eating for a few days, and then (on the weeekend, of course) broke out in a nasty red rash all over his torso. The Doctor said he had small blisters on his throat, which is "classic Coxsackie" apparently, and the reason he wasn't into eating or drinking. As his daycare maladies have gone, this one wasn't too bad, I don't think he had a bad case. We gave him pain medication for a few days to help with the throat soreness, and the rash faded after 3 days.

This is what happens now when Mommy or Daddy has to walk away for a few seconds to get something from the car or the house. Yay! Separation anxiety!

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