I am still in shock over this, but it has been a whole year since Aiden was born! The year went by so quickly, probably because time does that when you never get a moment to sit and contemplate your navel anymore. Aiden's birthday party was more like a whole birthday weekend (lucky boy!) since a lot of Andy's family came up to spend the weekend at the camp on Lake Champlain. Grandma Chris, Grandpa Dan, Uncle Kenny, Aunt Mary, Uncle Mike, Dan, Paulette, Micah, Becky, Jeannie, Allison, and Alex all made the trip, and for the actual b-day party we also had my parents, Aunt Chris, Uncle Preston, Sarah, and Joe! So it was a full house for a full weekend of fun.

Late August in Vermont can tend to feel a bit like Fall already, but not this weekend... it was H-O-T!!! The good thing about the heat was that almost everyone was convinced to take more than one refreshing plunge into the cool lake- about 10 minutes after getting out though, it felt sticky and sweaty again. The highlight of the water activity came on Friday evening when Uncle Kenny, sauntering down the dock, removed the towel around his waist to reveal a tiny green speedo! What a treat for everyone, especially Jeannie! Hopefully I will post a picture soon so that everyone in cyberspace can also enjoy Uncle Kenny's speedo!
Mom and Jeannie enjoying the lake. Timber being a pain.

Clockwise from top left: OCD and ADD (the pooches) go for a swim; Kenny, Jean & Chris relax on the porch; Paulette enjoying the lake; Andy's famous ribs
It was so hot that Aiden could not wear any of his cute birthday outfits and was forced (much to his delight) to wear his true birthday suit for most of the day. There is nothing he loves more than to be entirely unclothed. And sitting in a pool of water, if possible. And so, his fondest birthday wish was granted.

Um, can i get in another pool? Someone's hogging this one!

The pile of presents that was set before this little one-year-old boy to open was truly impressive. Andy and I have up to this point been working under that oft-repeated theory that, "you can't spoil a child under a year old." When we saw this mountain of presents, I think we both had the same thought: We're screwed now. He was definitely spoiled on his first birthday, but we're at least trying to rotate the toys so that he doesn't get bored of all 1,000,000 of them at once.

Happy Birthday, Aiden!!!
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