Happy New Year everyone! We had a very low-key New Years Eve this year- Andy, Aiden, Grandma Chris and I went to a "Celtic New Year" celebration in the neighboring town of Richmond. It's a pretty cool little alternative to Burlington's First Night- lots of cool Irish and Scottish live music, celtic dancing, and kids stuff. Of course what we mostly got to see was the kids stuff, since Aiden's melting point is about 7 pm. He was mesmerized by the puppet show and jugglers, and be-bopped in his seat to a bunch of young fiddle players after that. I think he really did enjoy it, especially the bag of cheese popcorn Grandma Chris bought him! We were all in bed by 10:30 (including adults), but guess what? 2008 got here without our help!
Aiden zoning out on the puppet show with his bag o' popcorn. Not sure why his finger is in his ear?

The "Barefoot Fiddlers" (yes, they really were)... a local street fiddler gang.
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