Last weekend we made an extremely short (less than 2 days total) trip to Long Island to celebrate the wedding of one of Andy's oldest friends, Jared. We've had a pretty poor track record of making weddings lately - we were not able to make it to the last 3 we had planned to attend due to weather-related flight cancellations or family emergencies (sorry Jen & Karl, Katie & Randy, and Allison & Malcolm!). So we were mildly surprised to actually make it to this wedding with no major glitch or crisis involved. The weather cooperated, flights were all on time, and even Aiden was in a pretty good mood for the travel.
Kevin, Mai Lan, and Dorothy
Great pics guys! I hope you don't mind but I poked around the blog a bit and I thought it was amazing! I laughed out loud numerous times and I can't believe what a little man Aidan has become! Looking forward to seeing your family again,
Take care,
Mai Lan
Of course we don't mind. That is why we do it (and by we I mean Carrie, I am not very talented). Good to see you as well.
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