Last weekend the sugar season was in full swing, so we went over to Timber Hill to help out. Aiden is getting to be an old hand at sugaring. He carries his bucket of sap all over the sugar woods and looks very industrious. Judging from how he whines to go outside and then whines when we have to go back in, I'd say he loves mud season.
Come near my sugarhouse and I'll break 'yer legs
Master of the Sap
So far this has been a pretty good year for Vermont maple producers, although I have heard that there isn't much Grade B yet and the season is nearly over (sorry to you "B" lovers out there). Grade B syrup is really dark and mapley, and is traditionally used in cooking, although many people like it better than the lighter grades. The lightest of all (produced first thing in the season) is "Grade A Fancy." We suspect that maple producers label it "Fancy" so that tourists will think it's the best and buy it up, leaving the really good mapley stuff for themselves!
You better be careful. Even though it is Vermont, I am pretty sure there are some child labor laws you might be tip-toeing here.
Just thought I'd say "hi" as I'm a Deegan and a birder. Found your blog via a search for zone-tailed hawk! How recent is your link to Ireland?
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