We spent half of the holiday weekend up in Vermont at the Lake Champlain camp, and the other half continuing to work on our new house in New Hampshire. We did the fun part first (of course) and met my parents, Andy's Dad, and the Allens and Zepps up at the lake. When we woke up at the camp on the 4th of July, someone left a little flyer announcing a little "parade" on Kimball Dock Road at 10 am. So a few of us, including Aiden, walked the half mile or so over to Kimball Dock to check it out. It was a true grassroots Independence Day parade, is the best way to describe it. As far as we could see, the five of us were the only spectators. Everyone else within about a mile radius was in the parade. You didn't have to have any extraordinary talents or props to be in this parade! Just walk, cycle, or ride whatever vehicle or animal you can find. We liked "Betsy Ross riding the John Deere" best.

The parade began at 10:01 on the dot, and we hooted and clapped for everyone who went by. On our walk back we passed a woman on a bike who yelled "Where's the parade?" "You missed it!" we yelled back! It was 10:05.
This tickle torture was ordered by Uncle Dan and delivered by Grandpa
We spent the rest of the day eating, swimming, and relaxing. Mostly eating. Andy and I made some ribs in the smoker, and we all had sangria and relaxed on the porch. Aiden loved the "Big Water!" as he calls the lake. He likes swimming but mostly the jumping in and splashing.

Here was our high-tech pyrotechnics display. The guys lit some sparklers on the lawn while Aiden watched with mild curiosity (what are they doing, anyway?). Woo-hoo!

We made our obligatory early morning pilgrimage to Dead Creek on Saturday, so we could not see a Virginia Rail again. Works every time. We did see a snappy snapping turtle though.

Then, back to our new place in NH for more painting, unboxing, and furniture assembly on Sunday. Grandpa Deegan (officially "Dad-da" to Aiden) had a great time playing with the little man and got a TON of work done to boot. THANK YOU!!