I started my new job with the Forest Society (SPNHF) on July 14th. Today (Jul 24) is my first day off since then, and I'd say I've spent about 6 hours of the past 10 days in the office. The rest of the time I have been visiting SPNHF properties with staff or land stewards, scoping out trail work, or conducting trail maintenance. It's been intense, but I happened to start just a few days before SPNHF's annual "Monadnock Trails Week," 5 days during which volunteers from EMS, NH State Parks, SPNHF and the local community come together to repair damaged or degraded sections of trail on Mount Monadnock. We worked the whole week on the White Arrow Trail, mostly fixing or creating waterbars (drainage structures). I have never moved so many rocks! All of the SPNHF Land Management staff are completely exhausted after 5 days of hauling tools, digging ditches, and setting rocks in the hot, humid drizzle (it was a pretty nasty week weather-wise). We were too tired to make an extra hike to the summit of Monadnock, but we did whip the White Arrow trail into pretty good shape! Below are some pics from the week.

Everything must be crazier in NH. You were actually able to start a month before you started. Starting on August 14th when it is still only July. Awesome. There must be some kinda crazy time warp or something. I cant wait to see it someday. Maybe it will tell me who wins the Super Bowl in September, then I can make a big bet on that team and win lotsa money. Yippee!!
Whoops i meant July 14th!!! Better change that...
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