Last weekend we took Aiden on his first canoe trip ever. We've been putting this off since he is a pretty fidgety little creature and we weren't sure whether he'd sit still and allow us to paddle or throw a fit and capsize us. Our first intstict was to strap or seatbelt him to the canoe so he couldn't run around or go over the edge, but of course that is very dangerous, since if you do capsize, he could get stuck under the boat.

We decided to go to Grafton Pond, which is a beautiful undeveloped lake close to us, where most of the land is protected by the Forest Society (the organization I work for). We arrived early, before 8AM, and slipped into the water without incident. We decided that Andy would paddle solo from the rear and I would hold/contain Aiden up front. This worked pretty well and we got about half way across the lake before Aiden decided that his life jacket was cramping his style. He was half way to a fit when we pulled up to a little forested island to let him off and out of his jacket. So far, so good.

Aiden went for a swim (waded in with lots of splashing) until his lips turned blue, "helped" Dadoo go fishing, and had a snack on his beach towel. But then for no apparent reason he completely flipped out, as toddlers will occasionally do, and started wailing. AND WAILING. Keep in mind, its about 8AM on a saturday, on a calm peaceful lake. Loons are drifting by and calling softly, and there are about a dozen kayers and canoers spread around the lake in peaceful contemplation. Man, did Aiden ruin the morning for them!!! He wailed and wailed and there was nothing we could do to stop him, and it felt like you could probably hear him back in New London never mind the other side of the lake. After about 15 minutes we packed him into his lifejacket again, piled the stuff in the canoe, and took off for the boat ramp.
Of course, as soon as we started paddling again he stopped. He dangled himself over the edge of the canoe and trailed his hands through the water for the entire rest of our trip back (which we extended around some additional islands since he was happy again). So that was our first canoe trip - some good, some bad, but I'm sure we'll try it again soon.

1 comment:
Toddlers .....what can I say they are like teenagers who aren't verbal yet. Then when they are verbal you still don't understand what's the matter! Parents just keep trying and hope someday it all soaks in....and it usually does!! Love seeing all your posts and creative descriptions. A. Chris
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