Aiden and Grandma apple picking
Since everyone had such a great time last year at Aiden's b-day weekend, we decided to have his birthday party at the Lake again this year. The big "02"!! It was a busy weekend, and we had about 28 people at the camp for Aiden's actual party on Sunday. And of course, he made out like a bandit! He got a complete new wardrobe from Uncle Dan and Auntie Paulette, a hand-knit wool sweater from Aunt Chris, and tons of cool toys.
On Saturday we went apple picking at Shelburne Farms- they were picking Paula Reds and very early, very tart Macs. Not that we could figure out which trees were which, as usual. But we filled out bags anyway and ate lots of apples and Christopher and Alex ran away from my camera lens like rabbits from a fox.
Hannah and Aiden
This is one of my gramma's idea of matching pajamas! Now who is colorblind?

Not for you, Munson!
Sunday was Aiden's birthday party and it was a beautiful sunny day. We woke up early (but when don't you wake up early with a toddler) and smoked 4 racks of ribs with cola dipping sauce for "appetizers." Aiden opened his presents with more gusto this year than last, and everyone cheered him on. His favorite (of course, this is typical) was a talking greeting card from Micah and Becky that featured Stewie from Family Guy saying something like "Mother, I brought you a present...I'll give you a hint, it's in my diaper, and it's not a toaster." After the eleven billionth time, even Micah was wanting to rip the thing up!
Alex digs into the ribs...
I got my own fishing pole!
The cool crew in all black. Micah is so addicted that he will fish even on a lawn with a Spongebob Squarepants rod!
The dock was still underwater, but that didn't deter the swimmers.
Aunt Chris and Sarah, watching the swimmers.
And we had a pinata, stuffed with all sorts of candy treats that Aiden had never tasted before. He was completely confused as to why on earth we were trying to convince him to beat this poor horsey-in-the-sky with a stick (probably a good thing, when you think about it). So the older kids made short work of it and everyone got their lollipops. Maybe next year...
Aiden took a three hour nap outside in a tent while we all had a big feast of burgers and salads and fresh sweet corn. When he woke up we had our final course, cupcakes made by Grandma. Each one had an "A" and a little cape gooseberry on top. Very fancy!
When I got home from the weekend, I was emptying the bag of apples and lo and behold, one of the apples had two little bite marks in it. I guess Aiden tastedit, foundit to be delicious, and gave it to me. Thanks Aiden!
Grandma Chris (Gemah)
Thanks Aiden for a wonderful weekend of a family get-together. We love it when you call your grandparents...BaPa,MaPa,GaPa and PaPa... we feel honored. Call us what you want, we will love you for it. You are a good pary man. See you soon. Love from Grma D.
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