Happy Halloween everyone!
We started our festivities with pumpkin carving on the kitchen floor. Aiden was not so sure about the "guts" this year - last year he attacked them with abandon but this year he looked at me like I was nuts scooping out the slimy, seedy insides of the pupkin. We roasted pumpkin seeds (plain ones for the birds, spiced ones for us) and carved up a spooky gourd.
Aiden waffled all over the place the last few weeks when we asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween- anything from "Ha-Pa" (grandpa) to a pirate to "Puff the Magic Dragon" to "Old MacDonald." We finally chose the last one since we already had the makings of that costume. So he was Old MacDonald for Halloween (bear in mind that Aiden's "Old MacDonald" does not have animals on his farm, only diggers, dump trucks, tractors, airplanes, trains, cement mixers, big rigs and motorcycles. I think he actually owns a junkyard.)
New London has a "Haunted Trick or Treat Trail" that's a mile loop which leaves right across the street from our house (very convenient). Early in the evening the costumed ghouls and ghosts don't jump out and scare the little ones, so it was perfect for us. Aiden was great at saying Trick-or-Treat ("Do-Do Treat") when we practiced on the way there, but was completely paralyzed when he actually got in front of any ghost handing out candy! (A preview of the visit with Santa in a few months, I'm guessing...) He still reached for the candy though, so he wasnt that dumbstruck.

The Haunted Trail