We had a wonderful time in Parishville over Columbus Day weekend, on our annual fall trip to the farmhouse. Micah and Becky had ato go to a friend's wedding that weekend, so we were a bit short of our usual crew, but we made due. The weather was perfect this year- warm and clear - and the leaves were at their peak. Aiden was in heaven as we let him have this last "indian summer fling" where he didn't have to wear a sweater or a jacket most of the time (he prefers as little clothing as possible).
We did all of the old standbys - dutch oven dinners and breakfasts, perusing the shelves of used books at P-ville's BirchBark Bookshop, walking the meadows, and just chilling out on the porch. And we threw in some new twists this year too- we went to the Asian Buffet in Potsdam (a truly amazing and disgusting all-you-can-eat Chinese-Japanese-Korean-Thai-Etc.-Etc.-Etc. restaurant. Your stomach cheers when you walk in the door, and curses you on the way out.) We also went to Blake Pond in the Adirondack Park, to let Aiden and Timber play in the water. It was about 70 degrees out, which Aiden (and Timber) clearly thought was warm enough for the full-body plunge! Warming up while making pies and castles on the sandy beach was fun too.
"Mountain Pies" - berry, apple, chicken n' cheese, and egg n' bacon!

Andy and Dad went out dutifully with their muskets every morning and evening, like clockwork, but there were no deer in evidence. They had close encounters of the camouflage kind with squirrels, turkeys, woodcock, hawks, and songbirds though, and got to spend some quiet contemplation time in the woods. I didn't hear much complaining.
The guys returning for breakfast in the morning.

One thing Aiden spent a LOT of time doing was watching and listening to the Red Raven record player that Mom brought up for him. Great Grandma Rising located this favorite of Mom's childhood on e-bay and it is pretty mezmerizing! A little carosel of mirrors goes around with the record, and as it spins and the record sings, repeated images on the record itself animate in the mirrors. If it sounds pretty trippy, it is. We had to play the "Old MacDonald Has a Farm" record at least a thousand times. Another favorite one, "The Little White Duck" is STILL stuck in Andy's and my head.
Since we had one whole day more than we usually do each year, we decided to drive to Massena to see if any large tankers were going through the locks in the St. Lawrence Seaway. Unfortunately, we just missed the last big boat of the morning, and the next one was not scheduled to pass through until well into Aidens naptime. We did find a small boat though, planted with flowers, and since Aiden didn't know what to expect, I think he was satisfied. The things we can still get away with while he's only 2....
It's about time you updated this blog. I was beginning to think you had stopped. Let's stop with the slacking off, huh. Some of us have nothing better to do than check this blog EVERYDAY! Thanking you in advance.
That song! Get it out of my head! I remember it from when I was a kid many, many years ago.
Grandma Chris
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