Here is what goes on in places where it's frigid all winter and there's not a lot of "entertainment" to be had. Such as northern NH. Games like "stump" are born and cultivated. Actually I have no idea where stump originated, but since moving to NH, Andy and I have both learned about this game from unrelated sources, so it's obviously got a stronghold here.
Here is how to play: Get yourself some buddies, a stump, a hammer, and a nail for each player. And don't forget the beer if you've got any. Each person's nail is started in the stump in a circular pattern. Next comes the fun part... each player takes turns stunt throwing the hammer up into the air - a sucessful catch with one flip in the air is one "hit", two flips = 2 hits, under the leg = 2 hits, and around the back = 3 hits. Drop it and you drink. With your awarded "hits" you get to bang in other player's nails. If your nail is hit, you drink. The last nail which has not been driven entirely into the stump is the winner. Nothing like alcohol and airborne hammers.

I got a chance to see the game in action this weekend (at a work function, so minus the beer). Enjoy the photos, and let me know if you want to play... we've got plenty of stumps up here.

I got another game that would probably fit in up there as well. Its called PUNCH. Same rules apply except instead of a hammer and a stump, you just punch each other and drink. Sounds AWESOME!!!!!
But how would you know how many punches you could have? Would you do trick punches? Talk about a game that isn't very well thought out.
No NO No It is VERY SIMPLE!! (Just like NH) My turn I punch you and you drink. Then your turn you punch me and I drink. Trick punches would be like in the face, two-handed, etc. I will admit that throwing a hammer in the air after a few beers is definitely much more well thought out than this game. My game just progresses to yours. Next level you hit each other with the hammer and so on.... IS IT REALLY THAT BORING UP THERE!!!!!!! I MEAN IS THIS REALLY THE GAME I WANT MY KIDS LEARNING!!!!!!!!!!
This from the co-creator of "White Trash Cooler Game"
Thats right Baby. I was also co-creator of Ultimate Ultimate Frisbee. You stand about 20 yards apart from opponent and throw frisbees at each other trying to hit your opponent. If you flinch you drink. A hit below the waist drink once. A hit above the waist drink twice. A hit in the family jewels...finish the beer. How bout that baby!!!!
That just might give stump a run for the money. Are we going to try that in June?
Any game you want. I will stump your but!!!
Reading these comments from my sons makes me so proud. It shows what thoughtful and brilliant sons I raised.
Dude. This needs to be played at the VLS reunion or, maybe even more appropriately, Gotwald's wedding.
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