Easter weekend started for us with another town egg hunt and another scary easter "bunny-person". Aiden is a pro at egg hunting by now, so he easily filled up his basket with only the choicest eggs, but he still had no interest in sitting on the bunny's lap. Can you blame him? This time, the eggs were actually filled with candy and little treats, so that was a bonus. Aiden snarfed down a few handfuls of jelly beans before we could put the breaks on the candy inhalation...

Then it was home to color eggs with HaPa and Gramma and Timber and prepare our easter feast. I think Aiden topped last year's impressive mess by completely coloring his hands black with easter dye. They are still not entirely normal again. Can't interrupt an artist at his work, though...

The outdoor egg hunt was chilly but fun. About 17 degrees with the wind chill, complete with scattered snow flakes. I'm sure spring will arrive someday. Happy Easter everyone!

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