Last weekend Aiden and I drove down to Mass for the day while Andy had to lead a hike for work. We spent the day in Lancaster, and I got to catch up with my oldest friends Bek and Karen. Aiden got to spend the day with Oliver, Bek and Nate's little boy, and learn a little bit about how cool it is to be "three" (he is in awe of anyone over age 2).
In the morning we went to a Kid's Day in Bolton, which featured firefighters, police, EMTs, school groups, summer camps, and other assorted groups with interesting exhibits for kids (read: fire trucks, ambulances, etc.) and lots of free stuff. Much sugar was consumed. Ollie even got a free safety helmet, which he can definitely put to good use on his new "big boy" 4 wheeler. It has several speeds including "turbo" which lets him tear around the yard doing donuts at warp speed! Aiden was so amazed. He kept saying "LOOK at THAT ONE!!" But it was a bit much for him to handle, so he happily put-putted around the yard in Ollie's hand me down "little boy" 4 wheeler.

Ollie's 4 wheeler
Back in Lancaster, the boys got back to their 4-wheeling and got good n' muddy in the garden with a floatilla of trucks. I was reminded how difficult it is for two toddlers, both obsessed with certain kinds of toys, to share said toys. There was always one thing they both wanted. A green tractor, a red shovel, a garden sprinkler, you get the picture. Nate made a heroic effort to keep both Aiden and Ollie happy and well-behaved, but meltdowns were inevitable. Especially when neither of them had a nap. I did get to catch up with Bek and Karen for a little while before we reached the end of Aiden's rope, but need to get back down for another visit soon!
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