Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tis the season...

Well, it only took 3 years, but Aiden finally agreed to sit on the big jolly man's lap. He managed to squeak out that his name is Aiden, and the important facts that he would like power tools and transformers for Christmas this year. Santa chatted and chortled and bounced him a little but could not get a smile out of him... all things in good time. I know Aiden was relieved to get down and get his giant candy cane as a reward. Now to concentrate on being good for about two more weeks...

Tree is up and decorated, and we've got about a foot of fluffy white snow, so it's officially the season. Making some holiday cookies with Aiden this afternoon and maybe we will wrap a few presents to put under the tree after that. Spiced cider and fleece socks. Christmas movies and balsam wafting through the house. Could be worse.

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