This is what it looks like at our house now. It's not so much that this is an unusal scene for mid-March in this part of the world (most years, it isn't)... it's just that this year March has been unusually sunny and mild here. Drive 10 minutes south of where we live, and there's no snow. Drive 10 minutes north, same deal. Daffodils are poking up and the grass is greening already. So I have to ask... seriously? what's with the foot and a half of snow at our house still?!?

As Andy frequently points out to me when I moan and groan on this topic, the town of New London is perched on this big-ass hill which basically puts it at an elevation equivalent to the north pole or somethhing, so we can really only expect about 1 month of frost free weather each year. Fabulous !

Which is precisely why we decided to check out the newest craze for warmth-starved, bat-crazy children burdened folks around here: a new "Splash Park" at an aquatic center about a half hour north of us in White River Junction, VT. The water is about 90 degrees and in the toddler section it's only about 2 feet deep, so kids can play on the slides and run under sprinklers and splash around all they like. There is also a looped "river" channel that sweeps you along in a big circle while jets of water arc over your head and waterfalls cascade nearby. It's not much on a Six-Flags scale of things, but it was pretty much heaven for a 3 year old and his parents escaping from their foot and a half of dirty snow on a raw, cloudy Saturday in March.
Oh Yea.... Well at least you don't have stupid hurricanes in March. Who has hurricanes in March? Apparently Long Island does. As it was put so brilliantly by lipa president and CEO, Kevin Law, "if this would have been hurricane season, this would have been a hurricane!" Well thanks Kev. What would we do without you? Thankfully, it is you that is incharge of Long Island's power.
You guys are pro's at finding fun places! We are one of those places at a lower elevation that has grass growing! Then again we'll be getting the mower out earlier too!!
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