The weather has been freakishly gorgeous and warm for early April, so when Easter weekend rolled around with forecasted temps in the 80s, we scrapped the housework and traditional ham dinner for some summer-preview fun. Aiden was more than game, as you can see in the photo above. He was ready with all his gear a full 20 minutes before Andy and I.

We went to the rocky beach at Ordione Point for some tidepool exploring first, and then to the sandy expanse of Wallis Sands after that. The boys flew kites, dug in the sand, ran through the freezing waves, and played soccer while I read and watched them from a big beach blanket. We had a picnic lunch and topped it all off with huge creamy ice cream cones from Beach Plum in Rye. Since we weren't able to visit extended family for Easter this year, our beach day was a great alternative.

We did get to some more traditional Easter activities over the weekend too. The town egg hunt on the New London green was lots of fun for Aiden and some of his friends from school. The whole green was scattered with what seemed like thousands of plastic candy-filled eggs, but within 5 minutes the small flocks of toddlers and kindergarteners swooped in and hoovered up every last egg. Let's just say lots of candy was eaten before lunch that day while all the parents lingered in the sun and socialized.

And we put to good use all those eggs Aiden had colored with Grandma Chris- we hid them, pitted them against one another in a traditional Lithuanian egg-cracking contest, and then chopped them up for egg salad (which only I eat around here).
What a great way to spend Easter! Did aiden ever finish that ice cream cone? Who won the egg cracking contest?
Grandma Chris
Hi Chris! Yes, he finished most of the ice cream cone but his shirt is forever damaged, I think. Chocolate didn't completely come out in the first wash, anyway... And Aiden won the egg contest!
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