Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gloucester Tri Take 2

This post could also be entitled, "What were we thinking?!" or "Who thought up this plan?!" ... That's what I was wondering when we packed our barely 2-week old Haley up along with all her gear and everything else and went to Gloucester for a long weekend.... where Andy was going to attempt to swim/ride/run in his second triathalon. Hello, triathalon?!? We are both existing on fumes right now in terms of energy. In our defense, we really thought Haley was going to come much sooner than she did, and that this race would be a good month or more into her life. But life doesn't usually go as planned, and we decided to go anyway.

Lucky Aiden got Dad's medal

The funny thing is, it wasn't that bad. Despite having to stop and nurse Haley in a seedy parking lot about 15 minutes from Micah & Becky's house (almost made it...) things went really smoothly. Andy did amazingly well in the race, beating last year's time by about 20 minutes (!), we lasted 3 whole hours at Wingaersheek Beach with hordes of other vacationers with kids, we strolled around Bearskin Neck in Rockport as a family of 4 (for the first time!) shopping for fudge and penny candy, and we spent a lot of time on Micah & Becky's new screened porch relaxing, eating, nursing, etc. It wasn't the ill-conceived trip that it probably should have been :) Next year, it'll be a super piece of cake.

CONGRATS to Andy on his great race!

Aquazooka at work at Wingaersheek Beach

Aiden the triathalete!

At Bearskin Neck

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