Little Miss Haley has gotten her first ear infection already. Right on time, about 2 wks after she started going to daycare. She had a high fever and was royally fussy for at least 24 hours but as soon as the infection was diagnosed and she got some antibiotics it didn't take long for her to get back to being her usual, only half-grumpy, self. We're in the middle of the 10 days of Amoxicillan at this point and the worst of it seems to be administering the medication by syringe. We put just a few drops under Haley's tongue at at a time to work through the whole 3/4 tsp and she gacks and gags and spits most of it back out every time. Then she looks at us with a furrowed brow, clearly asking, " WHY, mom? WHY, dad?" It's one of those not-so-fun parenting moments...
Awww, that picture just tears your heart out. Poor Haley... and all the rest of you, too.
((((Hugs)))) all around.
That sweet little face looking so unhappy brought tears to my eyes. Hang in there Haley!
Grandma Chris
Only one more dose left! Most of the time she is smiling these days, so don't feel too bad :)
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