Andy and I are convinced that Haley either doesn't like her parents very much or is completely bored of them. Every time anyone else is around, she's all smiles and giggles... life is roses and rainbows. At her daycare they always comment on what an incredibly happy girl she is... and then we get her alone in the car on the way home... WAHHHHHHH!!!! Or once we're home she'll just decide to scream for an hour, while we rush around trying to figure out how or who or what will make her happy again.

Take this weekend, for example. Grandpa Dada came up to spend the weekend with us and bring up some things that have been taking up space in Dan & Paulette's garage for months. Haley was an ANGEL... not a frown in sight. She laughed and smiled for a whole 48 hours straight. Then Grandpa Dada left, and WAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It's uncanny. Are we that bad?

Grandpa Dada's visit was uber-productive, as usual. Aiden helped his dad and Grandpa build a series of boardwalks between our raised garden beds, which will hopefully mean less mowing and (maybe) fewer slugs next year. In any case, they look really nice, and were very affordable since we used the lumber from our old deck. After the boys came back inside to warm up (it was a chilly 2 days), Aiden also had a great time reading with Grandpa Dada, and playing legos and building cities out of blocks. Haley, as I mentioned earlier, just smiled at everything. It was a great weekend.

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