It's that time of year... we can't turn a corner without running into a christmas tree or some holiday lights or something else that reminds Aiden he's about to hit pay-dirt. Like a big guy dressed in a red suit. He's everywhere! Aiden's sat on more than one jolly red lap in the last few weeks, and the wheels are starting to turn in his head. "Hey Mom, why are there so many santas?"... "Hey Dad, why didn't that santa have a long beard?" ... "Hey Mom..." We're having to come up with an elaborate set of fabrications to keep the dream alive, if you see what I mean. I think this may be the last year we can leverage good behavior on Mr. Saint Nick's decision to stop at 21 Gould Road. Oh well. I just feel badly for poor little Haley... she doesn't stand a chance at swallowing this Santa business with a critically minded brother 4 years her senior.
Haley looking a little bit like Kenny from South Park
That doesn't mean Aiden hasn't fully embraced the holiday season though. He's been super excited to decorate the Christmas tree, open his advent calendar every morning, listen to Christmas songs (beautiful and terrible alike) and reacquaint himself with sledding, skating, hockey and other snow pursuits. He's given each of the presents under the tree a good shaking too. And despite his skepticism, he did write and mail a letter to Santa. So we're full of holiday cheer over here in New London. Come on down, Santa!
Hockey on the ice rink on the town green
Haley after a few hours watching her dad & bro play hockey
How cute is Haley-do in her winter clothing. Talk about "wikileaks" when she is old enough to understand Aiden. No fantasy for that girl. Have a Merry Christmas in NYC. Hope the dinosaurs are not too big. Give our best to the Kulis clan!!
Since our family is descended from reindeer herders, tell Aiden he has a real "in" with Santa. What a cutie Haley is with her big blue eyes and rosey cheeks.
Grandma Chris
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