We took Aiden skiing for the first time last weekend, with some friends. It was a huge success, all around! I have to admit I'd been putting off the whole skiing thing fearing that it would be a giant nightmare involving hours of lines and hundreds of dollars to rent skis, get tickets, and actually take some runs in the white stuff. Not worth it, I figured, especially if he ends up hating it because we tried to take him before he really had enough balance or stamina to handle it.

But I was totally wrong. Rentals are free for kids under 6 at the ski shop at the base of the mountain, and it took us all of, oh... 5 minutes to get fitted out with rentals and ready to leave. Then, as long as your less-than-6yr-old kid uses the "magic carpet" area (basically conveyer belts that take you up hills of varying lengths and inclines) that is also free, so no stopping for a lift ticket. And since the mountain is 15 minutes from our front door, we can go for an hour towards the end of a busy weekend day, when things are winding down and its easy to grab a parking spot being vacated by somebody done for the day. Easy peasy.

Aiden on the magic carpet

Molly gets off the magic carpet
AND Aiden loved it. And he wasn't half bad either. Our attempts to guide him in slowing (make a pizza wedge) and stopping went unheeded in favor of "fast and furious" all the way down, but the important part is that he had a great time. And we learned how easily this great time can be had... a very important lesson in New Hampshire's endless winter!
1 comment:
Was that Bode Miller coming down the slopes? Great style. Atta boy Aiden!
Grandma Chris
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