Yesterday we woke up to a new 6" of snow. It's that time of year where winter tries desperately to claw its way back on top in nasty bursts of frigid energy- in between lengthening periods of dripping snowmelt and shrinking brown snowbanks. Not my favorite, really. This past weekend winter was still holding us in its grip- we went into Lebanon on Saturday to run the Shamrock Shuffle fun run and 5K (which, incidentally, was held on a day that was 70 degrees and sunny last year) and although the thermometer said 34, it felt more like 20 with a bitingly cold wind. We all (including Aiden on foot and Haley in a stroller) ran the 1 mile fun-run, but had to bail on the 5K since the kids couldn't stand the 1+ hour wait for the race start out in the cold.

Sunday was a bit better... warmer, and we made a quick trip to a local sugarhouse (tis' the season) and went to a birthday party at Splash Park that resulted in two thoroughly exhausted and chlorinated munchkins. Pizza and beers with friends afterwards was probably too much for the kids (Haley slept through the whole thing and Aiden and Molly were so tired they slid under the table and quietly investigated stale crumbs and other gross former edibles) - but sometimes parents need a winter pick-me-up too!
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