Aiden's school held an Art Show this week to display and celebrate all of the great artwork that the kids have made throughout the school year. It was held in Colby-Sawyers actual art gallery, with a full and fancy reception and everything. The "artists" roamed around placidly answering questions about their intent in different pieces and... ha ha. What I mean to say is, the artists ran around like whirly bugs, screeching and shrieking as they darted between parents' legs, stuffing appetizers into their mouths and generally causing a ruckus. Like many artists, I suppose, they are very eccentric beasts.
Aiden had some very nice drawings and paintings in the show, and we especially enjoyed his "interview" which was posted near some of his artwork. I'll copy it here for you to enjoy too!
"I live in New London. My house is on Gould Road. I live at home with my sister Haley, Mom and Dad. I have two parakeets Tupelo and Zaitsev and a fish named Surfboard. I like to play with my action figures at home. I mostly play with the Star Wars ones. I don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I like to eat hard boiled eggs. My favorite games to play are lacrosse and Uno. At school I like to use the light table with the skeleton xrays. I like to exercise too."
My favorite part is the hardboiled egg line, I think. It made me laugh because it's so random, and also because he doesn't really even like them . Ah, to be four!
At Pizza Chef with friends after the show
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